Disain Dan Analisis Pengembangan Program Aplikasi IDMS Dengan Metodologi Scrum Framework

  • O Ginanjar Univerisitas Padjadjaran
  • Asep Sholahudin
  • Erick Paulus


System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in the application program development process is very important. The SDLC method should have solved developer team's problems in developing application programs with dynamic user needs and demands rapid applicationĀ  of development programs.

In this study, development of application is using Agile Software Development or Agile Methodology. Agile Methodology uses incremental and iterative development so that developers can continue to evaluate with the users to product of application program which being developed. The development process uses one of Agile Methodology that is Scrum Framework. In this research, Scrum Framework is implemented in the development of web application program to manage data of organization activity called Integrated Database Management System (IDMS).

The results of the application of Scrum Framework on the development of IDMS application run well and can overcome the changing requirement in the middle of the development process. Implementation of the application development is divided into 3 sprints with the sprints focus factor value are 27%, 36% and 47%. With the increase in each sprints, the developer's team are experiencing capabilities enhancement and focus in IDMS application development.

How to Cite
GINANJAR, O; SHOLAHUDIN, Asep; PAULUS, Erick. Disain Dan Analisis Pengembangan Program Aplikasi IDMS Dengan Metodologi Scrum Framework. SNIA (Seminar Nasional Informatika dan Aplikasinya), [S.l.], v. 3, p. F1-6, nov. 2018. Available at: <https://snia.unjani.ac.id/web/index.php/snia/article/view/28>. Date accessed: 27 jan. 2025.